Dear Andika

Dear Andika

Dear Andika

kelompok 3

1.      Diki Wahyudi                              (1102418031)
2.      Laila maghfirotul maulina        (1102418037)
3.      Andika putra pututama              (1102418038)
4.      Siti Saroh                                   (1102418039)
5.      Himawan muria siwi                  (1102418044)
6.      Reni muzaenab                           (1102418045)

One day the student planned to make exhibit. Thats why they need the funds. So they looking for a sponsor to get funding.

Saroh : Hi, dik! Have you got a spost for the expo?

Diki   :Not yet. But I have a suggestion  for our sponsor. Saroh : Whats that ?
Diki   : why we dont work together with its milk and the benhil meatballs. Saroh : Good idea.
Diki   : Ill call their side to make an appointment. Saroh : okay

One Sunday Saroh and Diki meeting with miss Laila as the owner of  it’s milk and andika as her assistant, they also invited miss Rere as the owner of  the benhil meatballs and her partner mr. Himaawan at the its milk.

Saroh : Good afternoon, !

Laila : Good afternoon, please sit down.

Diki  : well,Ill like to make our point here. Iam diki and this is my friend saroh we’re studying unnes.

Saroh : We want to have exhibition so we want to ask you to cooperate. Laila : How do you deal with this ?
Rere : yes, please explain to you cooperation ?

Diki  :  So, we get a promotion your product when the show goes on. Andika : Does that mean we can sell our products around the show ?
Saroh :Yes, of course . the visitors can enjoy the exhibits and your food products. Himawan : So what about the area rationing?
Saroh : Its’Milk and benhil meatballs we’ll put it all the way up the mini forest road.
Laila : How many seats can we take ?
Diki: We will provide 3 stand.
Andika: Ok, I hope we can be good patner in this job.
Diki: Thanks for your  support  us.
Rere : Your welcome.

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